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Wolves Can be Converted to Sheep

Writer's picture: Calandra WilliamsCalandra Williams

Say what now? If you follow me on Facebook, I shared last week about a customer I had to email regarding her order, and she became irritated with me. She was threatening to report the company. I explained to her how we process orders and the information we needed from her to move forward. The department she was trying to report us to does not handle customer service matters, so I provided feedback on that as well. Then she proceeded to send a response in all CAPS, literally speaking to me in a demanding tone and even made a reference to my race, though I don't believe she knew my skin color, but her email implied that she did.

Not long after her email, she called. One of the agents received the call and sent me a direct message that this lady was on the phone. I soon learned that everyone knew this lady except me. It was very much like the story of David—everyone knew Goliath, but David. But when he stepped on the scene, because the Spirit of the Lord was upon him, things changed.

I took the call, and her tone on the phone matched the one in her email. I quieted myself within and let her talk. Eventually, I spoke up. She tried to over talk me, but I kindly began to tell her, "It’s not okay to disrespect the staff here and expect us to keep you as a client. If you'd like to continue working with us, you must be respectful to all people."

She was still responding outrageously until I finally said, "Ma'am, you're still at a level 10." I began to hear a shift in her voice, and out of her mouth, she said, "I'm not trying to be disrespectful. I am sorry."

Y’all, I couldn't believe what I was hearing, but I said to her, "Thank you for apologizing." Then we proceeded to have a normal conversation.

Why do I say that wolves can be converted to sheep? It's interesting to me that wolves are often cast out from the church—"You can't be here, you can't worship here, you can't sit with us." Or you'll hear, "Oh, I heard she was a witch" or "I heard so-and-so was into this or that."

That person you are so scared to fellowship with or worried will rub off on you may be the very person God wants to convert into His kingdom as a soldier in His army.

David wasn’t able to convert Goliath, but he did defeat a giant. I believe on that call, in the workplace, God was using me to defeat a giant that the customer service team had been afraid to face and cut off for two years. It was a setup because I didn’t go looking for a battle that day; I just showed up ready to work.

“Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves” (Matthew 10:16).

This is Jesus speaking to His disciples. The truth is, as followers of Jesus, we are going to face opposition in this world as sheep. It can happen in our families, at our jobs, on social media, and sometimes even in church—wherever God plants us or calls us to go forth. We are to go out as sheep, boldly occupying whatever space we’re in because our Great Shepherd, Jesus, is leading us.

This customer I faced was hostile, to say the least, but I had to show up sensible and in my right mind, combating hostility with love, yet still maintaining respect and professionalism in a corporate setting. However, I was still effective because of the inner work of the Holy Spirit. You don’t have to be a gullible pawn just because you're a Christian. You have to find the balance in being an effective influencer. And in doing so, I believe wolves can be converted into sheep.

Luke 10:3 says, "Go your way; behold, I send you out as lambs among wolves."

Jesus was sending out 72 messengers because there was a harvest—PEOPLE, SOULS—that needed to be introduced to the gospel of Jesus. He knew His disciples would encounter wolves, those who resist and create opposition. When you face an enemy, you don’t respond with aggression, but with love and gentleness, and watch how God can turn that person’s heart toward Him.

Let me say it plainly:

Jesus wants us to turn wolves into sheep. What a task! But with God, all things are possible. Nothing is too hard for God.

I stopped by today to remind you that you are called to be a messenger to this world, whether that’s in your home, the marketplace, social media, the community, the government, or internationally on missions in villages. Use your godly influence to bring change to this world, and remember what Jesus said: “And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world” (Matthew 28:20).


Scripture Reference

  1. Matthew 10:16 – "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves."

  2. Luke 10:3 – "Go your way; behold, I send you out as lambs among wolves."

  3. Matthew 28:20 – "And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world."

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