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Where are the Intercessors?

Writer's picture: Calandra WilliamsCalandra Williams

In today's time, we know the plans of God are not hidden from us. Long ago, when the Lord visited Abraham, he asked, "Should I hide my plan from Abraham?" (Genesis 18:17).

Let me go back to my initial statement: How do we know the plans of the Lord are not hidden from us? We can read the Bible and know the plans God has for us.

Scripture says in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" (NIV).

The Lord has also chosen us, just as he expressed to Abraham in Genesis 18:19, "For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just, so that the Lord will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him."

God did not choose us for our own selfish gain or to become celebrities. He chose us to be holy influencers on earth, directing those connected to us to follow the Lord and do what is right and just. Many of us aren't living according to God's plan, but instead trying to live up to human expectations. Human plans will fail, but God's plans won't.

In Genesis 18:16-33, we see that Abram is interceding for Sodom because his nephew Lot has relocated to this city. The reason Abram is interceding for Sodom is that the Lord has revealed to him that He is preparing to destroy the city because of their offensive sins - their actions were so wicked before the Lord.

As Abraham is conversing with the Lord in what we know today as prayer, he begins to intercede for the people in the city. Understanding that his nephew Lot and his family are there, but also considering others that may be counted as righteous, Abraham asks that the Lord would save them and not punish them along with the evil doers. One of the things that we see in this passage of scripture is that Abraham asks if the Lord would sweep away the righteous and the wicked.

This makes me think about the parable of the wheat and the tares in Matthew 13:24-30. Abraham is interceding for the good seeds, but the Lord knows that Satan has infiltrated the people within the city. Then and now, the wheat and tares are growing together, meaning believers with unbelievers.

Let's refocus on intercession. I just needed to give you some background on what's happening. As intercessors on the earth, we should be interceding for souls to be saved. We all know someone who is not a saved believer in Jesus Christ. Our prayer should be that these people will hear and accept the message about forgiveness and new life in Christ.

One day the evil ones will be destroyed, but we have a kingdom responsibility right now on earth to intercede for the salvation of those souls.

The Lord does not want souls to perish but to have everlasting life. We have to intercede so that people, even ourselves, will give up sin and turn to God. We have to stay alert, and one way to do this is through intercessory prayer. We have to stay alert to the deception and evil tactics of the enemy and those who are allowing him to use them. Our prayers will help us better understand God and His fairness and kindness in these situations, giving the unrepentant time to turn from their evil ways.

We should understand that God is just and punishes sin. Pray daily for those who do not know the Lord, pray that your Christian brothers and sisters do not stray from their faith in Jesus Christ. If you are reading this and have not repented of your sins, repent right now. God has been waiting for you.

For the intercessor, pray like never before, because the Lord is waiting for the unrepentant to turn to Him. If they are wise, they will turn to Him without delay.

My question remains: where are the intercessors, the ones who will cry out and not stop until they see spiritual change in the earthly realm? (Isaiah 58:1) It's time to sound the alarm and to warn all who listen about their transgressions. We must be faithful in exposing and challenging the rebellion and hypocrisy of God's people. We are called to warn people of God's judgment. Be faithful in praying and warning.

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