Yesterday, as I was driving, I had an eye-opening experience. Focused on taking my son to his strength training practice, I approached a light, only to be caught off guard by the altered traffic patterns caused by road construction.
In my haste, I hurriedly switched to the right-hand lane, under the assumption that it would lead me straight ahead, only to be overwhelmed by the unfamiliarity and eventually choosing to make an abrupt right turn, followed by a U-turn, just to find my way towards the school.
Little did I know, the same mistake awaited me on my way back. Oblivious to the changes, I unknowingly entered the lane I had always used to proceed straight, only to discover that it had now become a turning lane. It felt frustratingly familiar - another detour, another U-turn.
It was in that moment of annoyance and reflection that it struck me - this predicament parallels our spiritual journeys more often than we realize. We frequently fail to attune ourselves to how the Lord is moving in a particular season, simply because we expect Him to follow the same tried-and-tested patterns we are accustomed to. In doing so, we inadvertently miss the divine movements of God, simply because we are too fixated on seeking out the same old patterns.
Let this be a reminder to us all - to stay alert, remain open-minded, and shed our expectations of familiar routines. For it is only by breaking free from the comfortable molds that we can truly embrace and recognize the ever-changing, awe-inspiring movements of the Almighty.
Why do we overlook it? We fail to pray, read our scriptures, attend a Bible-based church, fast, and so on. It has been about a week since I took that path, and a lot has since changed.
God acts swiftly. Just like how these construction workers tore up the street, displayed redirection signs, and altered the traffic pattern overnight.
Are you still in sync with what the Father is accomplishing this season?
Are you on the opposing side of the road? In the wrong lane?
Heading in the wrong direction?
It's because you aren't connected to the source; instead, you rely on your own resources and connections. You know, YouTube, TikTok, CNN, the telephone, your purse, and so forth.
You haven't delved into your BIBLE. This isn't meant to judge, but rather to gently push you to turn your focus back to God. I have experienced this too, and let me tell you, God quickly brings me back to reality. "Where are you, my daughter?"
Boldly make the change.

The adversary desires to trap you in seclusion, exploiting your mistakes. Yet, the Almighty extends a heartfelt invitation to His abode, beckoning you with unwavering certainty.
Here lies your fortress, your shepherd, the compass in this ever-changing world. His wisdom and guidance are unparalleled; every counsel He imparts is to be trusted, and even His subtlest maneuvers can be relied upon. Though His path may be elusive at times, rest assured He is an exceptional leader, never to lead you astray.