One of my greatest passions is to see sisters dwell together in unity. There is something so beautiful and so powerful about a sister helping another sister walk in her greatness. We all have a purpose and a call on our lives and I believe that when we don't realize that we tear each other down.
We think the more we pull our sister down, the higher we go. Sister, we have so much in common more than you know. We all desire some of the same things, but most important we all want to be loved. Everything we do comes from something that was filled or unfilled in this thing called life.
When I'm in a room full of my sisters, I see a beautiful rainbow just waiting to share her unique colors with the world. I see her across the room possibly needing what God has already cultivated in me. Will I leave her empty all in the name of envy? I know better, I know we are stronger together.
Sis, maybe you have been wounded by another sister who was suppose to build you up but tore you down? Please don't allow that things to make you bitter and put all sisters in the category of haters.
There are truly sisters who move in the power of God's love who want to see you become ALL that you were created to be. She rejoices to see you winning, walking in your true identity and touching the world with the greatness that God placed in you on purpose. She will do ALL she can to help you to survive because she realize that sisters are STRONGER TOGETHER.
Let me take this moment to do what I love to do.... "Sister, you are beautiful, important and necessary. You are unique, loved and cherished. You are absolutely stunning because your were designed by the best Hands. I want to see you walk in ALL you were created for. I want to be on the sidelines cheering you on to the next level, for we are STRONGER TOGETHER.