Women often struggle with negative self talk. We can be our worst inner critic.
It’s not always easy to tame the voices telling you
You’re not good enough
You will never amount to anything
You will not be successful like her
The promise was voided because of your mistakes
Do you see how the negative keeps building? The devil will build a beat on the very thing you struggle with. If you give him an inch, he will go a mile with your mind. Working to steal, kill, and destroy your identity.
The devil doesn’t like you. He hates you. We often look at our sisters and think they are our haters when really it’s the spirit operating in them causing them to show up in the spirit of jealousy or envy.
The devil hates you so much that he will take the very thing you struggle with and use it against you. You believe the lies of the enemy - the more you listen, entertain them. He’ll keep feeding you until you're full of deception, and now he has a stronghold on your mind.
I need us as God’s daughters to identify the way we see ourselves and how we speak to ourselves.
You can’t address it until you identify the why behind it.
Maybe momma never affirmed you or daddy left you.
But whatever it is, identify it and then get ready to address it.
How do we deal with it spiritually?
Plead the blood of Jesus over your mind (thought Life)
Pray so that you always rely on the Lord
Put on the whole armor of God
Praise the Lord
Speak the Word (scripture) over your life daily
Break the enemy’s power by calling on the name of Jesus
How do we deal with it practically?
Reframe how you speak to yourself
Reduce the time you spend scrolling on social media
Get around some positive people that speak well of you
Practice positive self talk
Find the lesson in the obstacles you face
Embrace gratitude for who you are and who you are becoming
God is pleased with the way He made you. You are valuable to Him and he made you for a good reason. There is no need to feel worthless or compare and contrast yourself to the next woman.
Don’t allow your negative thoughts to create barriers between you and God and even the community around you. The devil doesn’t want you to be connected. He’d rather a communication breakdown to occur so he can keep talking to you.
All I am saying to you today is SQUASH THE NEGATIVE!
This is on time sister. Especially in a season of intense warfare. The battle begins in our mind. Thank you for reminding us to subject every vain imagination to the obedience of Christ.