Today is my 34th birthday.

It’s amazing to even think I made it to see this day.
This has been the most challenging time of my life. God has snatched all my edges to get me to level up in my faith.
I’ve learned a lot this year -many times through disobedience but I still learned.
As beautiful as I will write this post my lessons learned looked dark and ugly as I walked out the process.
Through my process of being refined I’ve learned hope, humility, grace, compassion and trust. I’m learning how to show love even when people hurt me - to forgive people because they don’t know what they are doing.
I have little to give but a prayer of thanksgiving. A prayer that I will need for the rest of the year to pick me up and remind of God’s faithfulness.
Heavenly Father, thank you for this beautiful journey called life!
Thank you for allowing me to experience it. Thank you for allowing me wander through the wilderness only to test and humble me for my next. You brought me to a place of seeking your glory and not your hand. To submit to your will and way. Causing me to abandon my ideologies and way of doing things. God, I give you all of me - to take me, make me, mold me and shape me into the woman you purposed me to be. You have showed me your faithfulness time after time even when I was unfaithful, rebellious and a prude. Thank you for being a forgiving God. Today I bless you for your unfailing love. I love you, Amen.
I shared this prayer with you, so you may know the blessings evident in my life don’t come easy. It comes with me dying to my flesh daily and submitting myself to the Father. To being committed to living a spirit-led life. I am a hot mess most days but God has graced me to continue to preserve and allow His glory to settle here on earth. It’s not even about me–it's all about Jesus!
Remember, no matter what may come your way keep praying, keep repenting of your sins and always ask for forgiveness.