I was chatting with a young lady via text about what we would talk about on our Facebook live. And all I could think about was prayer. Honestly, nothing comes to mind than talking about the greatest means of communication that connects us to God.
It’s the very thing I knew to do when I learned in February 2011 that my grandmother was ill and the doctors had pronounced she was going to die, so prepare. I remember praying and God preserving my grandmother to live for another 2 ½ months. This may be small to you, but it was major for me. I was not in pursuit of Christ. He was in pursuit of me the entire time. It is necessary moments like this that in the future you can reference to see how much God loves you.
Prayer is my sweet spot. It’s what I chose when my car was repossessed in 2014 from in front of my job. It was one of the longest weekends of my life, but it also was the weekend that drew me closer to the King of glory. I remember lying on my living room floor crying and listening to gospel music. It was during this time that I cried out to God like never before. God revealed Himself to me and it was everything that I needed. This encounter would leave me in the posture of pursuing God for more of His word and truth.
Just this morning at 3AM I was up reading Psalm 141 and the Holy Spirit revealed unto me that personal and corporate prayer are totally different. Personal prayer is a time of spiritual sacrifice to commune with God. It is slipping away to privately spend time with God.
My questions to you today are…
Do you love to pay?
Do you desire for God to hear your prayers and answer you?
Do you have faith when you pray?
Do you pray fervently to the Lord?
I ask these questions because it allows you to truly examine your attitude towards prayer and to create a hunger to seek God more. Prayer is my sweet spot, and it has tied my heart to God. It’s so much more than just talking and petitioning heaven. Prayer has become a space for me to listen to God. It’s interesting enough that I always assumed that I had to speak every time I engaged in prayer with God. A few weeks ago, I was in prayer and God told me to listen to him. I started saying, “Speak Lord, your servant is listening.” 1 Samuel 3:10
We can become so conditioned to talk in prayer that we never pause to pay attention to what the Father has to say. I challenge you to engage in prayer in a listening posture. It may feel uncomfortable just sitting in silence, but there are some profound truths and strategies that God wants to reveal in the earth through you. Are you open to saying less?
I believe that as God’s daughters we are made to pray - be in consistent communication with the Father. This should be one of our heart’s desires.
Join Amanda Pittman and I today at 11am cst on the Majestic Daughters Empowerment Facebook live to discover more on what we are made for in the kingdom of God.