At the beginning of the year, I felt disconnected from God. Have you ever had that feeling? He seemed so far away. I was wondering where He was...and all the time He was wondering where I was. I hadn't prayed about the new season I was in of motherhood with a newborn. I was also trying to juggle marriage and school. Everything was colliding together, and I was overwhelmed.
God knows our thoughts. "O Lord, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar." Psalm 139:1-2
Even though I wasn't praying, God listened to me. I remember feeling this tug after my six-week checkup to get back to the church. I felt myself drifting into a sunken place. It was that Sunday back that the Lord convicted me on several things.
I was more concerned about what I looked like returning to church and less about the condition of my heart. God realigned me with His perfect will and way.
It was at that moment that my spirit was renewed and I was revived to breathe again. I felt strengthened by the Holy Spirit to get up and pursue God. Pursue God how? The first thing God dealt with me about was prayer. I had to embrace the power of prayer in every season of my life. The good and even challenging seasons.
Often we put down the weapon of prayer when everything is going well. Sometimes when it's challenging, we resist praying too. God was calling me to level up my prayer life.
He didn't stop there. He called me to living a lifestyle of fasting. Yep! He had told me this in the past, but I didn't embrace it. I didn't know what to do or how to do it alone. So I asked him to teach me. I grabbed a few books to read and articles on fasting.
From there my life completely shifted to hearing the voice of God like never before. This was a different pace of submission and even intimacy. It was no longer complicated, but I found it easy to know the heart of God and his will for my life.
I desired to know more of God when I started praying and fasting. I've experienced major breakthroughs, deliverance and so many victories this year just from fasting consistently. I show up differently in every area of my life because of these key principles.
Here are some things that I've learned on my fasting journey.
Fasting must be done with prayer and good deeds. We are to have right relationship with God and his people.
Fasting can be done absolute (water) only or partial (fruits and vegetables. Depending on your health, chose the one that you decide that truly denies you of choice foods.
Fasting is a time of intense adoration to God, repentance of sins and confession of who God is and even sins.
This time spent with God draws you closer to Him like never before.
You don't earn brownie points with God for fasting.
It's our heart turning towards righteousness.
The main thing I will say is God listened to everything I said in my prayer and answered me quickly. There has been no delay when I am praying and fasting consistently. It can be something so simple and he will answer and it can be major and he still answers the same.
I don't know if this is for you...and God has been calling you to fast and pray. I encourage to do it. The beauty of it, is you don't have to do it alone.
We fast every Tuesday in the Majestic Daughters Empowerment community private Facebook group. Join the group if you desire to embrace the power of prayer and fasting in this season! (Click Here)