Hey Majestic Daughter! What's happening?
It's been awhile since I've written a blog, but I'm making the sacrifice to share a piece that's been on my heart for awhile.
Have you ever been in a place that you felt confident in your ability to complete an assignment, project, task, etc.?!
And then BOOM, something happens that rattles your stability to stand on your own two feet. Doubt starts to creep in, fear begins to take root and your just stuck in a sunken place.
Girl, me too! It doesn't feel good when we fall. It's down right embarrassing to the point that the waterworks are turned on and we are overwhelmed with negative emotions.
I am here to encourage you to, "GET UP AND TRY AGAIN!"
Life is a process and no one ever told us it would be easy. Maybe we secretly tell ourselves this, but we this is far from the truth.
We should never shelter ourselves from growing pains, they're necessary for our growth as believers in Jesus Christ. Every loss must be viewed as a lesson. We should be grateful that we had the opportunity to experience the process of falling. Easier said than done...I know!
How be the ever, these days I'm intentional about practicing gratitude over complaining about any and everything.
There is beauty to be find in our weak moments. Our brother Paul stated it so well, "That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 2:10
Jesus helps us to get through those rough patches of life. He promised to give us the Holy Spirit to guide and encourage us in those times that we are confused or overwhelmed. As I said earlier, we have something to be grateful for because the Holy Spirit's role is to instruct us in the ways to GET UP AGAIN!
Isn't that awesome that we have Christ's representative helping us along the way! That we aren't alone; the way the enemy tries to make us believe we are. We have the precious gift of the Holy Spirit that is constantly present. We just have to tap into the access every second so that we can keep moving forward for God's glory.
Get Up Again! It happened, you felt it, but that's not your final destination.
Take one step and watch God take two steps holding your hand and walking you into the promise of your right now and your future.
Get Up Again and do what God has called you to do!