The night before my graduation, I woke up and knew the word focus for this week would be fear. It was the very thing that had crippled me for years. And I was hearing and seeing it crippling God's daughters.
Although I like to focus on my strengths, I believe it's important to identify your weaknesses. Strongholds remain when we cannot recognize there are things within us that need to be purged.
I had allowed fear to intertwine with my destiny. To be honest, I wasn't progressing forward because fear grips you tight and refuses to let you soar into your next. It keeps you bound in the now and afraid to embrace the plans of God.
Fear is a mechanism that the devil uses to control God's children. We accept what the enemy releases and even come into agreement with his scheme. He has a way of projecting fear upon you to stop you.
When I realized the spirit that was operating in me, I made a declaration to God and myself...
I'm so committed in this season to overcome FEAR! It has gripped me for too long. FEAR NO LONGER HAS CONTROL. God hasn't given me that, so I no longer take that.
Some of us have a fear of flying high because we do not know how we will show up in the fullness of God's glory. We never fully commit to the plans of God. We are halfway in and halfway out. We don't take chances on believing God has called us and equipped us for service.
More interestingly we will cheer everyone else on that is walking in purpose. This is sometimes how division in sisterhood births. We've cheered so long but negate the fact that we are called too. We secretively compare and become envious of what our sister has and is doing.
This is just your inner man hurt that you haven't taken flight in your calling. Where the fear is gripping you, there is really a flood of tears waiting to pour because you feel empty.
Even in that God knows you're going to be alright!
Fear from the enemy keeps you bound in the carnality of sin. You know what you need to do but somehow feel stuck.
The fear of flying high is really saying to God,
I'm afraid to elevate in the kingdom!
If I show up in my walk with God and my purpose, I know something great is going to happen. BUT do I deserve this? Am I ready for this? Will people understand this?
Your faith in God is going to cause you to walk in the fullness of God's glory.
Can I tell you how I broke the spirit of fear? I started praying & fasting consistently. Then I started showing up in the things God had purposed me to do in my marriage, motherhood, ministry, and even the marketplace.
Are you prepared to step out of fear into faith? The answer is YES! What the enemy meant for evil, God is working it out for your good. Fear is all in the mind. That thing is broken today by the Spirit of God.
You are picking up the word of the Lord and resounding His word in your spirit. God has not given you the spirit of fear but the Lord has given you power. 2 Timothy 1:7
God is welcoming you to fly again. To believe again. To have faith in his word and promises again. Take flight again trusting in His marvelous glory.
God is calling you to soar!
Here is a song that I heard when I was around the age of 11 or 12. As I was writing this, it came up in my spirit. I hope this message and song blesses you today!