Many women struggle with being frustrated with their lives, ministries and even business because we don’t maximize on the 24-hours we’ve been allotted. Although we set goals and pray about it we still lack the tools and resources to catapult to the next level.
You can clear your plate and still not accomplish the goals set before eye. Why? Because you fail at managing your time, you will lack a clear vision of how to reach your potential. Prioritizing your to do list is necessary to being successful in all areas of your life.
Many of us need to pull away and find some alone time to evaluate what’s on our plate. Also, how much time are you going to allot to finish the task. This will be eye opening for many of us because we will realize that there is a lot of down time were we are not using out time wisely. Scrolling through social media (I’m guilty of this), talking on the phone ( I could limit the number of times I call my mom daily) , watching TV (I just turned off the cable last month) or just simply distracted with our own thoughts (You can catch me daydreaming at any given moment).
We all need an effective plan in place that will allow us to finish our daily task. We have to be the boss of our own time. Time should not be the boss of us. Distractions should not steer us away from our purpose. This is a season to stay focused on your goals. Even if you don’t finish everything, always remember there is a tomorrow. It may not be promised but don’t go to bed worrying that something went undone.
Balance is defined as a means of judging or deciding. You have the power to decide what’s important in your life and what’s not.
For me it would be…
God Family Career
In that order…
For you it may be different. Hopefully God is at the top of your list! So every other area in your life runs smoothly. My plans will not be successful if I exclude him from the equation. Your clear vision of the plan he has spoken over you - starts with being in relationship with Him. He must be first in your life and woven into your daily activities including your to do list.
Keeping God first will help you maximize your time and say focused on the things you need to accomplish. It’s time to manage your time and pursue your goals girlfriend.