What does a THIEF want from you?
What do thieves do? Silly question, right?!
Thieves plot a plan to take things which aren’t theirs to begin with.
Let me make it spiritual plain for you. According to the word of God…
John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and to kill and to destroy.
Here’s my story. My life is like a roller coaster. I have good days and have bad days and sometimes I complain about those terrible days. Then I realize that I am allowing the enemy to steal my joy. No matter what I face, I still must chase God’s grace. He saved me, so I have to believe that He will never leave me.
I discovered God to be my everything... my provider, protector, savior, counselor, comforter, peace, light, joy, love, etc.
Are there times that I doubt Him? Yes! But, I also feel this holy conviction to shift my mind back to thinking on what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable (Philippians 4:8).
Above all, the bad days God has still been better than good to me.
Jesus laid down his life as the Shepherd of the sheep so we may have life. Jesus gave us life more by dying for our sins and restoring our relationship with God. The sacrifice that he made on the cross, opens the door for eternal life.
Just to think Jesus laid down his life for sinners like us so we may live but yet we still sin and are disobedient to God’s word. Turning to the enemy that wants to harm us and not to Jesus that wants to prosper us.
Daughters of God, we have got to do better… including me!
Jesus tells us to have courage because in this world we will suffer. Jesus himself suffered for us. Yet again, we think life should perfect for us---the word says different. We should have peace in our suffering knowing that Jesus has already conquered the world. If I have peace, I must also posse joy to rejoice during trials.
Robbing yourself of the joy God intended you to have. Ask yourself... “Have I allowed the enemy to steal my joy?”
Fight for your joy. We find our beauty in the radiance to embrace the trials created to refine us to reflect the power of God.
The enemy is after our inward spiritual condition of joy. We as God’s daughters must be protective of our God-given gifts ensuring that we not allow the devil to take what God gave us. The Holy Spirit equips us to have joy.
Maybe you didn’t realize you have to fight for it because I didn’t either. But we do. I had to realize that the thief will always try to get you to have amnesia about who God is to you.
As I shared with my husband the other night at dinner, “I know too much about God to ever doubt Him. Nothing could make me turn back to who I used to be.”
Sis, choose to remain in Jesus as He remains in us. We must guard our joy from the joy-thief by the power of the Holy Spirit that lives in us.