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From Visions To Reality

Writer's picture: T'Edra JacksonT'Edra Jackson

The path from dreams to success does exist. May you have the vision to find it, courage to get on it, and the perseverance to follow it – Kalpana Chawla

Success is one of those words that we truly have to be careful with. My definition of success has evolved and will continue to evolve as I mature and grow in Christ. I use to define success through the lens of the world standards, my definition of success was basic and average. My definition of success was determined by what I saw others doing and what possessions they had. My definition of success lacked purpose. Now my definition of success is to continuously seek crowning moments, to know that I am created, covered, carried and crowned in Christ. My definition of success is to strive to evolve into all that God has called me to be.

What’s your definition of success? By what standards are you basing your success off of?

When I think of vision I think of my daddy. My daddy is a truck driver and when I was younger we would drive to Oklahoma. I think of the huge map he had of the United States of America. The map had all the states, cities, and interstates available to you (can we take a minute and thank God for the GPS –lol). The map was huge and I did not know where to start when I tried reading that thing!! The map is similar to your vision- your vision is huge, can seem daunting at times, and it is provided to you through Jesus Christ- our vision serves as the route we take towards fulling the assignment that God wants us to fulfill. You can have the same vision as someone but the route you take towards making the vision a reality could be completely different.

As a truck driver my dad have to have courage to get on the highway, he had to trust and know that the truck was in good condition to help him to his destination. He had to follow the path set before him. He had to be knowledgeable and flexible just in case if he had to take an alternative route and in some instances he had to just learn by trial and error. He knew he could not just start the truck and expect the truck to start moving – he knew he had to start the truck, put the truck in drive, and adjust his mirrors as needed. The same for getting on the path of courage, faith and work. Courage, faith and work consist of the path you take towards successfully turning your vision into reality. It takes courage to start. Starting is one of the hardest part of turning a vision into a reality. Starting requires being intentional, starting requires overcoming procrastination, starting requires to continuously seek a “yes” after you have been told “no” so many times. Faith and work go hand- in- hand, as James 2:17 states, faith without works is dead. You can have all the faith in the world but if you do not take the time to create a plan to turn that visions into a reality, all you have is a vision unfulfilled.

Faith requires seeing the vision when no one sees it or understands it Faith requires working as if you already have it Faith requires trusting that (your vision, your success) will come alive Faith requires know that in the end it will all work out for your good (Romans 8:28) Faith requires adjusting and submitting to the plan that God has set before you (Jeremiah 29:11) Faith requires getting out of your own way and allowing God to do what God does best Faith requires you to WORK

Are you ready to get on the path of courage, faith and work to fulfill the promise of success? My dad always talks about how California is one of the places that challenges him the most – the cars are disrespectful to truck drivers, cars make it hard for trucks to get to their destination. In California, the drivers of 18-wheedlers have to be alert, cautious and have the spirit of perseverance in order to successfully get to their destinations. Perseverance and patience are the keys that you will need to follow through on the path of turning your visions to reality. You will have to have perseverance and patience for the journey set before you. The path set before you may or not be paved either way, God will give you the tools and resources you need to execute, follow through and succeed.

You were created to win. It is your winning season. May you continue to turn all of your visions into a reality. The world is awaiting your arrival.

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