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Writer's pictureCalandra Williams

Do You Believe In You?

"Girl, you did that!" "That was an awesome performance!" Girl, that outfit is on fleek!" These words can bring smiles to our faces, lift our spirits and encourage us to keep moving forward in our endeavors. But what about when the applause stops?

These positive affirmations are amazing coming from others, but what do you think about you? If those affirmations "made" you into who you are, the absence of those words can "break" you when it's silence.

Girlfriend, I can tell you from experience that the applause will stop. Ultimately what God has spoken over you and into you will be the ONLY thing that will stand. I urge you to build self-confidence upon what Almighty God has said about you, His applause never stop.

I urge you to spend enough time in prayer and in the Word of God to discover who God has created you to be and build your confidence upon that. We truly are nothing without the Master and everything in Him. I know there are people who believe in you, but do you believe in you?

At the end of the day you are left with you. Do you truly believe that God has called you to great things? Have you truly accepted the truth that you are fearfully and wonderfully made?

(Ps. 139:14).

When was the last time you looked into the mirror and saw someone who was intimately designed by The Master's Hands? Do you trust you to fulfill the purpose and plan God has for you? Have you taken a firm stand in confidence that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you? (Philippians 4:13).

Sis, stand in the mirror and give yourself an applause because one day it will be the only applause you will hear besides God's. Don't build your self-confidence upon what "they" have said, but build confidence upon what He has spoken. I want you to truly understand that you are a chosen vessel, ready for the Master's use. God believes in you. He is there cheering you on like a loving Father on every occasion. He says, "Daughter, you are beautiful. When I look at you I see perfection. I know that you will achieve all I ordained for your life if you place your confidence in Me. You are not a failure and you do not need the applause of man. I want you to trust what I have spoken in and over your life. You are worthy, you are successful and you are Mine."

My dear sister, when you cannot hear anything else, Hear God's voice. Wake up to the truth about who you are. Stand in the mirror and tell yourself, " Girrrrl, you did that!" "That was an awesome performance!" "Girl, that outfit was on fleek!" After that, "Give the bouquet of flowers to the one that made it all possible.... God."

"Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance. so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what is promised." ( Hebrews 10:35-36)

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